Tuesday 17 April 2018

two years of meaningful journey.

firstly, I don't even know where to start as it had been three years I didn't update any new entry in my blog. so here we go.

right after I received my PT3 results which is 9A 2B and ended roughly my three years of journey in SMKA Putrajaya, I got an offer to further my studies as a budak MARA in MRSM Merbok. at first, memang I put a very high expectation la sebab you know, I thought it would be extremely difficult;

surrounded with chosen students, with brilliant students and all that. aku pulak anak bongsu, so it turned out to be the toughest decision yang aku kena buat untuk berjauhan from my parents, from my family. miles away from my house which approximately six hours by car to the college, WEH.

aku terima offer tu masa cuti raya cina and that moment aku dgn family tengah bercuti lah kat Terengganu. I was glad that finally I had that opportunity untuk jejak sekolah dak dak pandai. mak aku, abang aku jugak ANSARA (Anak Sains MARA). so why not biar aku pulak jadi penyambung warisan, gitchew.

ok kita skip terus, lepas dah decide apa semua, macam biasalah. buat preparation before entering my next boarding school.

//bukan prepare barang je, prepare hati yang kental, prepare mental fizikal, prepare akhlak, paling penting prepare tisu in case homesick.//

so I went to the college as I told earlier, six hours by car from our home. masa on the way, fikir macam-macam. mix feelings sampai konpius nak rasa happy ke sedih ke nak nangis. ingat lagi masa tengah sibuk nak daftar tu, I once asked my mom, "Mak, mak rasa anis dah a big step closer untuk jadi doktor tak mak?" sebab waktu tu, dalam kepala otak ni macam dah kena cop budak bijak.

lepas dah settle down everything, aku salam peluk cium mak abah pastu lambai tangan je macam takde perasaan. tapi tu masa first first jelah. masuk je dorm apa semua, rasa sunyi tetiba pastu mulalah leleh sesorang.

aku lalui je kehidupan dekat maktab sama macam orang lain lalui;

awal awal tu banyak kali jugaklah Teacher Diana puji aku sebab selalu perform dalam Addmaths, Maths. ok takpelah tu letak tepi. biasalah masa baru kenal Addmaths, semua senang senang belaka, tapi bila dah akhir akhir silibus tu peh rasa nak hentak kepala member kat dinding. ha bukan kepala sendiri tau.

masa aku form 4, sem 1, aku dapat pointer 3.72 which I felt so proud of myself. yelah zaman baru nak berjinak dengan pointer. beria-ria call mak abah bagitau result apa semua. lepastu ok lah masa sem 1 memang skor gempak gempak ah. masuk je sem 2, tiba-tiba hati ni tergerak nak pindah maktab yang lagi dekat dengan rumah. padahal masatu dah setengah tahun duduk dekat Merbok.

mak pun cari lah mana tau ada MRSM lain dekat dengan rumah yang still ada space untuk aku masuk. mak pun bagi la tau aku yang MRSM TGS dekat Pahang ada kosong. lepas dah discuss apa semua dengan mak, aku salah. aku tak fikir elok-elok, aku terus setuju.

dah seminggu kat TGS, takde apa yang aku boleh simpan melainkan pengalaman depression aku for the first time. rupanya susah gila untuk aku adapt dengan surrounding baru, kawan kawan baru, kelas baru, katil baru bila aku dah enam bulan kat Merbok. peraturan baru? laaaagi susah untuk aku ikut. 


TGS; pagi bfr aku bersiap pergi kelas, aku orang paaaaaling awal bangun antara room mates aku. seingat aku, masatu baru pukul 3.30 pagi. asrama senyap sunyi. aku duduk atas katil, termenung. a few seconds lepastu, hati ni tergerak untuk pergi loker, ambil dua papan Panadol. kebetulan masatu kat atas katil, botol aku penuh lagi dengan air. aku buka Panadol tu, aku telan one by one. habis dua papan aku telan. terus pergi mandi nak bersiap apa semua. masa aku lalui pnp, dekat dekat waktu rehat pertama tu baru aku start rasa pening macam nak rebah. terus aku mengadu dekat cg homeroom, and aku dapat rehat dekat bilik sakit. sebab sakit kepala tak hilang-hilang, malam tu aku terpaksa call mak, bagitau apa yang dah berlaku. masa tu jugak first time aku dengar suara mak menangis teresak risau fikir pasal aku. lepastu mak abah decide nak datang dan ambil aku balik. pengetua bagi aku cuti dua minggu due to depression. dalam tempoh dua minggu tu lah aku buat keputusan untuk patah balik masuk Merbok. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat masuk sana balik.

after that incident, aku mintak maaf dengan mak abah sebab dah banyak sangat susahkan diorang. aku ikhtiar gila gila nak tebus balik silap aku. aku ambil test untuk sem 2, and apa yang menyedihkan lagi, for the first time aku dapat pointer below 3.00 which is 2.79.

aku down teruk. maybe sebab masa sem 2 aku banyak miss class, banyak cuti, banyak skip test apa semua. takpelah aku terima. 

naik je form 5, aku try beat balik pointer lepas. Alhamdulillah aku dapat 3.61. masa form 5 baru cikgu start bagi anugerah untuk top 30 students for every batch. malang lagi, aku pass pointer 3.50, tapi tak tersenarai dalam top 30. empat kali berturut-turut, anugerah tu tak berpihak kat aku. langsung. aku malu, tambah tambah tengok muka muka yang naik stage tu semua bestfriend aku.

"aku pesan kat diri sendiri, jangan pernah give up. rezeki Allah tu MAHA LUAS. Allah boleh bagi kejayaan, dan Allah boleh tarik kejayaan, bila-bila masa je."

masa trial SPM which is SPMRSM, aku all out teruk. sebab aku tau, aku taknak jatuh dah. tapi, mungkin rezeki aku bukan jugak dekat SPMRSM ni. result SPMRSM aku, 2A 4B 2C 1D. aku call abah nangis-nangis. jarak antara SPMRSM dengan actual SPM, dah tak jauh dah. yang aku tau, aku mesti tak sempat nak prepare betul betul.

apa yang abah pesan, yang aku boleh ingat sampai sekarang,

"anis, Nabi pun ada bersabda, kalau pun esok Kiamat, dan awak ada biji benih, tanamlah. sebab dalam hidup ni tak pernah ada dan takkan ada istilah terlambat."

aku try ingatkan diri aku, everyday. masa graduation day, kedudukan aku dekat barisan kelima. which is no. 54 out of 222 students dalam batch aku. benda tu sikit pun tak boleh nak dibanggakan. aku pandang kiri, cari mak abah dekat seat parents. pastu aku nampak mak abah, aku lambai tangan dekat diorang. mak abah senyum je, padahal anak mak abah ni dah banyak kali kecewakan diorang. dah tak terkira. 

mak, abah, anis mintak maaf sebab tak dapat nak bagi anugerah apa apa untuk mak abah harini.

anugerah demi anugerah, tokoh demi tokoh diumumkan, tengok mak ayah diorang tersenyum sampai menitis airmata. terlintas dekat hati kecil ni, "kenapa diorang boleh, aku tak boleh?"

dah habis graduation tu, aku keluar dewan cari mak abah. mak hulur sejambak bunga kat aku sambil cakap "tahniah anis."

berderai airmata jantan masatu. untuk apa tahniah tu, aku pun tak pasti.

bfr the actual SPM, aku struggle gila gila. macam nyawa dah dekat hujung kerongkong. aku mula selesa bawa diri sorang-sorang. selagi boleh, setiap hari aku akan call mak abah. tiap kali ada masa lapang, aku spend time dengan buku dekat blok akademik sorang-sorang. aku bawa gambar mak abah merata-rata, umpama aku bawa harapan yang sangat besar.

masa bulan SPM, aku tempuh je macam biasa. ada subjek yang aku tak yakin, keluar dewan, terus nangis senyap senyap sebab selalu rasa tak confident dengan apa yang aku dah tulis atas kertas peperiksaan tu.

Alhamdulillah, dah settle hadap SPM, aku tawakkal. apa Allah nak bagi, aku terima. aku rancang, Allah juga merancang, tapi perancangan Allah jauh lebih baik.

dup dap dup dap.

hari keputusan SPM, 15/3.
aku decide nak check result through SMS bfr aku ambil by hand dekat maktab. so takdelah rasa berdebor sangat. tepat pukul 10, aku terus send [angka giliran] [no ic]. a few minutes lepastu, terus masuk mesej. 

3A+ 3A 2A- 1B+

me: mak, anis...
mak: so how?
me: anis dapat 8A 1B.
mak: ya Allah, tahniah anis.

aku terus peluk mak, erat. aku cari abah. aku bagitau abah.

abah terus tadah tangan sambil cakap, "ya Allah, terima kasih ya Allah."

aku peluk abah. masatu airmata dah tak boleh nak sekat lagi. terus berderai depan mak abah. abah pergi kat ruang tamu, sujud syukur.

setelah apa yang aku dah lalui, finally paid off. tak terucap dengan kata-kata melainkan TERIMA KASIH YA ALLAH sebab bagi peluang untuk aku tengok dengan mata kepala aku sendiri, mak abah menangis gembira dengan kejayaan aku. moment yang dah lama aku tunggu. Alhamdulillah.


Friday 11 December 2015

tears burst

"I’m feeling soft and heavy at the same time. Like I’ve put down my arms and I’m staring at the sky with my whole heart open- it’s pouring everywhere and for once, I don’t even care. I don’t care who knows, I don’t care who sees. I want to shout about my heartaches and I want to scream about my survival until it hurts even to whisper. But I’m crying too. I’m always crying too. Because it still feels like my heart is anchored to the ground. Because I’m alone. Because my chest aches so much, I wonder how I have not split in two. I didn’t think survival would feel so much like losing. I just want to unlive. Let me unlive."

Sunday 6 December 2015

beautiful reminder

He/She left me, I’m not good enough. 


Ever gone a heartbreak? Got your heart stolen by the wrong person? You know when we go through a heartbreak, we either grow better or bitter but as time heals the pain and the scar, it will show you how you have wasted your tears for someone who didn’t deserve them.

You decide to one day just give up everything, why? Because someone who you thought loved you more than anyone could do left you. So you go on your bed, cry a thousand tears, even listen to heartbreaking music and then you complain and think about all these stuff that made him or her leave you or why the marriage proposal didn’t work.

For days, no smile on your face, your eyes have dark circles already, you hate every “wedding and love” post you see on your facebook and you become bitter with every love story you hear or when you listen to your friends talking about how happy their life is. 

You decided that. Then you blame? You blame the Qadr of Allah.

Yup, don’t tell me you didn’t. We all are guilty of that. Listen my dear brother or sister in Islam, what you are going through might be painful and will stay painful unless you get yourself up and start doing something that could help you.

NO. Listening to music won’t help you. NO. Talking to your friends about your “ex” won’t help you. NO. Hating him/her won’t help you, rather forgiving him or her would, especially when you first forgive yourself.

It will continue to be painful until you start to look for the “ease” in the right place? Where? In your sujood. Have you even really tried for a single time, one time, to truly focus on your salah and just at that moment you give all yourself in surrender to Allah? Standing there at your weakest, lowest and most vulnerable state, you’ll find ease. 

This is what you get, when you give that tear for Allah. This is what you would feel, when you cry out to Allah. This is what there is, in a tongue moistened with the remembrance of Allah. 

"Your tears are for Allah."

Stop degrading yourself every single day just because someone left you, or someone was not meant for you. Rather, rejoice for the fact that Allah saved you from that person, that Allah has someone better for you and that Allah will catch you when you fall and that He will strengthen you from your weakest point, and raise you from your lowest rank, and enlighten your heart with His Love.

For my dear brother and sister in Islam, Allah is the Only One who could love you like no other man can ever do. Get up from the bed. Make wudhu. Decide to be better. Decide to come to Him. Decide to do good. Decide to be a person in Jannah.

And may Allah enlighten our hearts with His Light of Guidance whenever darkness of pain and sorrow shuts our hearts. Amin.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

cry to Him

Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. 
Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. 

If you ask, ask of Allah. 
If you seek help, seek help from Allah. 

Know that if the whole nation to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you. And if [the whole nation] were to gather together to harm you, it would harm you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you.

Don't be robotic with Allah when making du'a. Don't just sit there and recite your du'a. Have a heartfelt conversation with Him. Don't suppress your emotions, let them flow. Talk to Him. Tell Him how you feel, why you feel the way you feel, why you need Him to answer you. Show Him how needy you are of Him. 

Beg Him--